
Hackless Joins Chainlink BUILD To Fortify DeFi Security Solutions

The Chainlink BUILD program fosters promising early-stage startups and established projects in Chainlink’s ecosystem. Participants receive benefits including enhanced access to essential Chainlink infrastructure, new product alpha and beta releases, and technical support, in exchange for paying fees that incentivize Chainlink service providers, boost the network’s cryptoeconomic...

Nakamoto Games Raises The Bar On Transparency With Chainlink VRF Integration

Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) plays a vital role in blockchain-based gaming ecosystems because it provides a source of auditable, on-chain randomness that...

Digital Asset Research Brings Institutional-Grade Price Data For 1,000 Digital Assets...

The evolution and expansion of the decentralized finance (DeFi) economy is driven by high-quality data. As the industry-standard decentralized oracle network, Chainlink secures...

Blockpour Integrates 40+ Chainlink Price Feeds To Help Users Navigate Multi-Chain...

DeFi data and analytics are typically siloed by chain, making it difficult for DeFi users to perform real-time cross-chain analysis. However, Chainlink’s blockchain-agnostic...

Waka Flocka Flame’s Drip Teddy Club Taking PFP NFTs To The...

PFP (profile picture) NFT collections like CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) confer ownership over one’s digital avatar as well as membership...

Swingby Boosts Security Of Skybridge With Chainlink Proof Of Reserve

Unlike wrapped token infrastructure that requires trust in a centralized third party, Chainlink Proof of Reserve (PoR) uses Chainlink’s decentralized oracle architecture to...