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Chainlink Launches Keepers Job Scheduler For No-Code Automation Of Time-Based Smart Contract Functions

Chainlink Keepers is a decentralized service that allows developers to reliably automate regular smart contract triggers without the resources and risks associated with performing keeper operations manually or through centralized systems. Since its mainnet launch last summer, 100+ projects in the Chainlink ecosystem have integrated Keepers to build a variety of use cases across DeFi, insurance, web3 gaming, and dynamic NFTs.

Last week, Chainlink launched its new Chainlink Keepers Job Scheduler – a no-code UI designed to make automating time-based smart contract tasks even faster and easier.

“With Chainlink Keepers, we wanted to solve the hard automation problem first, allowing our users to get reliable automation for their smart contracts using their own custom on-chain logic and a fully decentralized and gas-optimized automation service,” said De Clercq Wentzel, Product Manager at Chainlink Labs. “Chainlink Keepers does this out of the box.”

He explained the motivation to allow developers to more quickly enlist Keepers for decentralized time-based automation. 

“We looked at many of the automated functions and saw that there is a big need to automate using a time-based schedule. We created the Job Scheduler as a no-code solution where users can just point to their already deployed contract, specify their function and inputs, specify their schedule, and register their job without having to write and deploy new contracts.”

Wentzel said Job Scheduler is an important addition to Chainlink’s industry-leading decentralized infrastructure, which is enabling the advancement and expansion of the smart contract economy. 

“Job Scheduler makes it very easy for DevOps teams to automate routinely executed functions, allowing them to spend time on more pressing items that can’t be automated,” he said. “However, things get really exciting when projects programmatically integrate with Chainlink Keepers to create and manage automation tasks on the fly as part of their service.”

The result, according to Wentzel, is groundbreaking – not just for DeFi, but also blockchain gaming and dynamic NFTs that periodically update their metadata.

“It is enabling totally new user experiences in web3,” he said.

To learn more, read the official blog post, visit the Chainlink Keepers app, and join the conversation on the official Chainlink Discord.

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