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Zeus Finance Triple-Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds, Keepers, And VRF

In June, Avalanche added to its previous integration of Chainlink Price Feeds by integrating Chainlink Keepers and Chainlink VRF, in what Ava Labs founder Emin Gün Sirer called a “fantastic milestone” for the growing blockchain ecosystem’s users and developers. 

“The Avalanche Community is full of tireless builders, and their ability to rapidly build and ship applications at scale just became even easier,” Sirer said.

In August, Zeus Finance, a decentralized financial suite building on Avalanche, became the network’s first DeFi protocol to simultaneously integrate Chainlink Price Feeds, Keepers, and VRF. Zeus CEO, Frank, called the triple integration an “obvious choice” for making the platform “as robust as possible.”

“Chainlink Price Feeds, Chainlink Keepers, and Chainlink VRF all work in tandem to give our users a consistent and transparent experience,” he said. 

Zeus is utilizing Chainlink Price Feeds to convert between currencies and calculate fees, Keepers to automate rewards distribution, and VRF to support randomized airdrops of its native token.

“Chainlink is a household name within the crypto community,” Frank said in an interview with Chainlink Today. “Now, we have much more automated services, making the protocol’s back end more efficient and therefore allowing us to focus on more building and less first-hand actions.”

Frank said Chainlink’s trust-minimized services will continue to play a foundational role in Zeus’ path toward providing DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS). Near-term plans include expanded use of VRF to randomize airdrops of a forthcoming Greek Mythology-based NFT collection that offers users various utilities within the protocol.

Ultimately, he said web3 is capable of “completely transforming what money does” and Chainlink’s decentralized infrastructure allows platforms like Zeus to provide an expanding array of DeFi use cases.

“Chainlink should be a foundation for all protocols built on web3,” he said. “It literally allows you to receive the data you need in real time, then automates some of the work you need to do on the back end to allow for quicker, more efficient work to be completed. And the more data you have, the more informed actions you can make, allowing for success.”

To learn more about Zeus Finance, visit their website, blog, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram.

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