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Tau Protocol Joins Chainlink BUILD To Scale Onchain Perpetuals Trading

The Chainlink BUILD program fosters promising early-stage startups and established projects in Chainlink’s ecosystem. Participants receive benefits including enhanced access to essential Chainlink infrastructure, new product alpha and beta releases, and technical support, in exchange for paying fees that incentivize Chainlink service providers, boost the network’s cryptoeconomic security, and advance the web3 industry as a whole.

Today, Tau Protocol, a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) specializing in perpetual contracts, announced it joined BUILD to accelerate its ecosystem growth and the long-term adoption of perpetuals trading through Chainlink’s industry-standard oracle services, which have securely enabled over $10.5 trillion in transaction value throughout the onchain economy. 

Built on Optimism, a scalable L2 developed by Ethereum, and utilizing high-quality Chainlink Data Feeds, Tau Protocol offers a secure, scalable, cost-effective trading platform for both professional and casual traders. The goal is to become the ultimate destination for users who want to optimize advanced trading capabilities and transparent, real-time market interactions.

In an official announcement, Tau Protocol CEO Jon underscored the importance of Chainlink’s secure offchain services, alongside support from the passionate Chainlink community, in accelerating the adoption of Tau Protocol’s scalable, low-fee DEX.

“We’re excited to join Chainlink BUILD to gain enhanced access to the industry standard decentralized computing platform,” he said. “We welcome the passionate Chainlink community into the Tau Protocol ecosystem and look forward to securely scaling onchain trading on Optimism.”

To learn more about Tau Protocol, visit their website, X, and Telegram.

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