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Safe Forms Strategic Alliance With Chainlink Labs To Accelerate Account Abstraction Adoption

Today, Safe, the industry’s largest smart account infrastructure securing nearly $100 billion in assets, announced it has formed a strategic alliance with Chainlink Labs, the primary contributing developer of the industry-standard decentralized computing platform, Chainlink. The goal is to support the security of onchain ecosystems by increasing the adoption of Safe infrastructure with industry-standard Chainlink services.

Safe began pioneering smart accounts on Ethereum in 2018 and aims to become the standard for unlocking digital ownership throughout web3 for DAOs, enterprises, retail, and institutional users. Compared to externally owned accounts (EOAs), which authenticate transactions through private keys, smart accounts are more flexible, programmable, secure, and user-friendly, opening up a range of new use cases. 

Safe{Core} is Safe’s open-source and modular account abstraction stack for integrating the Safe Smart Account into any digital platform to enable secure, innovative applications. Through its alliance with Chainlink Labs, Safe aims to increase both account abstraction adoption and security throughout the smart contract ecosystem. 

As the industry-standard decentralized computing platform, Chainlink has enabled over $10.5 trillion in transaction value and provides a comprehensive suite of oracle services that are critical for creating and securing tokenized real-world assets throughout the multi-chain ecosystem in order to scale onchain finance to billions of global users.

In an official announcement, Safe co-founder Lukas Schor underscored how the alliance with Chainlink Labs will help establish Safe as the ownership layer for web3. 

“Chainlink is well-known for its unrelenting focus on building resilient infrastructure that has established the platform as the industry standard for data, compute, and cross-chain connectivity,” he said. “We’re excited to establish a strategic alliance with Chainlink Labs to grow the adoption of account abstraction and help create a more secure onchain ecosystem.”

To learn more about Safe, visit their website, X, and Discord.

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