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Base Adds Automation To Its Expanding Suite Of Chainlink Integrations

Today, Base – a fast, scalable, developer-friendly L2 incubated by Coinbase and secured by Ethereum – announced its integration of Chainlink Automation, empowering developers to build smart contract applications with verifiable, decentralized, gas-efficient automation capabilities.

Soon after launching last year, Base joined Chainlink SCALE to accelerate the growth of its ecosystem by giving developers low-cost access to Chainlink’s industry-standard infrastructure.

In August, Base integrated Chainlink Price Feeds to enable externally connected DeFi applications. In September, Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) went live on Base, unlocking decentralized applications that can securely transmit digital assets along with data and messages between distinct blockchain networks.

Automation allows Base developers to offload compute-heavy tasks to the Chainlink Network – which has securely enabled over $9.5 trillion in transaction value – achieving up to a 90% reduction in gas costs while maintaining blockchain’s verifiability standards. 

In an official announcement, Base creator Jesse Pollak emphasized the expanded computation smart contracts can perform with Automation, paving the way for innovative new use cases. 

“We’re excited to see the next-gen apps that developers can build on Base using the advanced offchain compute capabilities enabled by Chainlink Automation,” he said.

Johann Eid, Chief Business Officer at Chainlink Labs, highlighted the integration’s synergistic impact on the industry as a whole.

“We’re pleased to bring Chainlink Automation’s high-performance compute to the Base network,” he said. “Combining Chainlink’s offchain computation capabilities with Base’s highly scalable layer-2 network enables developers to create next-generation Web3 experiences that support the adoption of the verifiable web.”

To learn more about Base, visit their website and X.

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