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Tadle Joins Chainlink Build To Unlock Liquidity In Crypto Pre-Markets

The Chainlink Build program fosters promising early-stage startups and established projects in Chainlink’s ecosystem. Participants receive benefits including enhanced access to essential Chainlink infrastructure, new product alpha and beta releases, and technical support, in exchange for paying fees that incentivize Chainlink service providers, boost the network’s cryptoeconomic security, and advance the web3 industry as a whole.

This week, Tadle, a cutting-edge infrastructure for crypto pre-markets, announced it’s joining Build to accelerate its ecosystem’s growth and the long-term adoption of crypto pre-markets through Chainlink’s industry-leading oracle services.

Crypto pre-markets allow users to buy and sell tokens scheduled for a token generation event (TGE) before they officially launch on exchanges. Tadle’s infrastructure connects pre-market assets with secondary markets to enhance liquidity, market reach, and community management for emerging projects.

The platform’s initial offering, the Points Marketplace, will allow users to trade points from leading projects to unlock deeper liquidity and more efficient trading. In the future, Tadle plans to expand its support for other pre-market assets, such as SAFTs (simple agreements for future tokens), pre-launch tokens, and vesting tokens.

Tadle aims to bridge the gap between primary and secondary markets for such assets by integrating Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP). As the standard for cross-chain digital asset and data transfer throughout DeFi and traditional finance, CCIP leverages Chainlink’s time-tested oracle network, which has enabled over $15 trillion in transaction value, to achieve the highest level of cross-chain security.

In an official announcement, Tadle co-founder John G. Izaguirre underscored Chainlink’s role in advancing Tadle’s effort to unlock liquidity and increase transparency in the rapidly evolving crypto pre-markets.

“Through the integration of industry-standard Chainlink CCIP, we enhance the security and interoperability of Tadle infrastructure and take a significant step towards increasing the adoption of crypto pre-markets,” he said.

To learn more about Tadle, visit their website, X, Telegram, and Discord.

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